Garden Update–May 2017



IMG_4504  Each time the weather has cleared up, I’ve planted a few things.  This week was gorgeous, and I was able to finish up almost everything that needs to be planted now.  I like to plant in succession, and have veggies all summer long and as far into the fall as possible.

I was delighted to see these green beans pop up.  I had been afraid that the birds had eaten them because there were quite a few sprouted seeds laying on the top of the ground.  Thankfully, I planted thickly, and there are plenty that made it.


These snow peas are about to bloom.  They were one of the first things I planted.  These are the ones that are supposed to produce in 30 days.  Well, they came up right before Easter.  That was about 5 weeks ago, so they are not going to produce in 30 days.  But, if you look closely, there is a bloom at the bottom of the picture, so it won’t be long.  It was really rainy and cold this spring.   I don’t know if that slowed them down, or what, but they are blooming before my standard favorite, Oregon Sugar Pod II, which I planted as well, on the same day, so I could compare the two.  I left the blooming green onions that I planted last fall so they could lean on them.  If the onions go to seed, that’s fine, too.


This lettuce is starting to come along.  I picked enough to add to a salad Sunday.  I’m not sure if you can see the carpet of weed seeds on the right hand side of the lettuce.  In some places, the ground is red because the weeds are so thick.  I’ve been hoeing them out while they are tiny, and have been making good progress.  Rob will also do some tilling before long.


I picked a little boc choi, and a few radishes.  I’ve also been using green onions, and was able to get a few good spinach leaves from the bolting spinich.  They were still good in the salad.  You can see that I have another bunch of tiny lettuce seedlings coming up in the background.  I love having lettuce all summer long, so I plant every 2-3 weeks.  I also plant thickly, and then cut small plants out of row, giving more room for the others to grow.


The Marion berries are blooming.  So are the strawberries and raspberries.


The cabbage and broccoli are doing well.  They are beautiful in the morning sun.


The chives are blooming beautifully behind the rhubarb.  I planted thyme, parsley, rosemary, orange mint and dill in front of the rhubarb.  I will probably move some chives forward eventually. I’m not sure why they planted them behind the huge rhubarb.    Maybe it wasn’t huge then:)

There is a small area left in the garden that has not been planted.  I plan to put in a second planting of green beans later.  I want them to come ripe in the middle of August, so should plant them around the middle of June.  I also have some squash seeds to plant, and I plan to plant them in a flowerbed by a dead tree stump.  I will let the vines cover it over, hide its ugliness, and get squash to boot.  I need to get those seeds planted ASAP!  Maybe tomorrow.  We will see.  This is the week of appointments.   I’ve got 2 dental appointments for 2 kids tomorrow, and that will take all afternoon.  We will do school all morning.  In addition, on various days, we have 3 doctors appointments for various ones, plus Ja’Ana has extra tap dance practice and her weekly house cleaning.  Thankfully, it doesn’t take long to plant a handful of seeds.  Thankfully.  Because timing matters when it comes to gardening.


17 thoughts on “Garden Update–May 2017”

  1. Looks beautiful. You are a little ahead of us in the growing dept. We are back to nighttime temps of 48, so one step forward, one back,
    My rhubarb is next to my chives and I , again, have a picture almost just like yours lined up for a future post 😉


    1. The chives are beautiful, aren’t they? I also like to use them on top of potatoes, and other places. So, I was glad to see that there was a bush of them here. It’s clearly been here a while–it needs dividing and there are little baby chive plants coming up all around it. I bet you love yours, too.


            1. Wow, this is so interesting! I’m grateful I remembered this week–last week it was Ritz crunch crackers and I forgot to grab the Friday coupon 😳


  2. Love your garden. And the photos
    I try and have lettuce all summer as well. Some I’ve planted in the shade of my soon to seed asparagus.

    I also seed generously. I’d rather thin a little then be disappointed weeks later if there’s poor germination.
    Weather turned cool and windy yesterday. Record winds last night. Temps should warm up starting tomorrow. yea!


  3. Your garden looks great! That is wonderful that you can harvest lettuce all summer along! I completely missed lettuce this year since it stayed so cold and then turned hot, but now it is cold again, sigh. I did get tomato plants into my big pots and basil seeds planted at last. Hopefully we will all have good things to eat soon!


    1. I have some basil in a pot, too. The girls did one pot of basil, one of cilantro, and one of parsley. I’m going to have them on the deck so I can get them easily. I’m glad you got some things planted, too.


  4. WOW! Your garden looks great. I know I am a month behind but work has finally slowed down enough that I can do the really important things…like blog reading!
    Your cabbages look perfect without a single bug bite out of any of them.


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