Greenhouse Update-Feb. 27, 2018


Last evening, after work, we were able to do some transplanting.  In the back of this picture, you can see the hybrid broccoli blend (Territorial Seeds) looking great after each got their own little cell.  This entire tray is now broccoli, and that is more than we can use, so we hope to find homes for some of it.  We use a more coarse planting mix for the second stage of growth.  You can see that the onions are still in the finer starting mix.  They didn’t come up as thickly as I would like.  I will be planting some more in another tray, soon.  (Look at the ones on the left).


The cabbage mix (Pinetree Garden Seeds) was ready to transplant as well.  You can see how the little tiny red one barely made the cut, but I wanted at least one red one, so I gave it a cell even though it was behind the other greener ones.  I’ve done this mix before, and there are several kinds that grow.  Just like the hybrid broccoli blend, they don’t all get ripe at once, which is helpful to me.


A few days ago, I put the Corinto Greenhouse Cucumbers (Johnny’s Selected Seeds) into a pot with lettuce in front.  There was an escapee onion in the broccoli, so I put it in this pot.  This is an experiment.  I’ll see how it grows.


I dragged the parsley pot from last summer into the greenhouse, and it’s starting to grow well.  The cilantro on the left is as well.  I will add a little more potting soil to each pot, and perhaps some fertilizer, especially to the parsley.  Cilantro is an annual, but it self-seeded into the pot where it was growing, so there are lots of babies in there.  I won’t turn down fresh herbs.

There is much more to be done each week now, as spring comes closer.  Every single day, we water everything a little bit to keep it moist.  Soon, I will plant some more flowers and other veggies, and transplant the tomatoes.  It was very fun and relaxing for Rob and I to slip out there last evening and work for a little while.  It didn’t take long, and gave us a good chance to talk for a few minutes.

14 thoughts on “Greenhouse Update-Feb. 27, 2018”

  1. Good for you guys!! You certainly will make the most of your garden space. And how fun to have some one on one time, yea!!


    1. Thanks! We don’t much room left on the concrete after putting the greenhouse on it, that’s for sure! But worth it, and the whole thing can be unscrewed and stored flat against the building when we are done.

      One on one is so rare, we cherish it.


  2. I’m curious what the temperature is in your greenhouse with the cold weather? It’s awesome that you have seedlings already. Happy gardening!


    1. I haven’t taken the temperature out there, but it is warm. When the temperature dropped unexpectedly, and it started to snow, I had Rob drag a space heater in there, so it is warmer than the outside. It’s not hot by any means, but things are growing. Of course, the things like cabbage and broccoli are growing the best, as they don’t mind cooler temps. In the past, we have done this as needed (use a space heater) and we shut it down as soon as we get some nice days, again. Another thing we have done in the past is fill milk jugs with water and keep them out there. The water holds the heat, and helps things stay warmer at night, and are a little warmer to water the plants. We only have 2 so far this time, but plan to put more out there as we empty them.


  3. I think I have an idea on how to turn my back patio into a greenhouse for next year. It’s just a little concrete slab out the laundry room door–and I will have to share the space with the new riding mower that the Redneck has SWORN we are buying as soon as the taxes come in. But I am thinking I can make a nice little greenhouse out there. Thanks for the idea!


  4. Everything looks so nice, hardy and healthy! Did you by any chance get the snow that hit Portland? I was just thinking about that and how the greenhouse would have definitely saved all those beautiful baby plants.


    1. We got an inch and a half, 2 separate times. Portland had it much worse. They never closed the schools down here in Salem. We are just enough south of Portland that we didn’t get as much as they did this time. I’m actually ok with that:).


  5. Seeing your seedlings have made my day! Winter has returned. Our few days of warm, sunshine was only a cruel tease. I got so excited only to have my hopes dashed to a million pieces. I know I am being dramatic.

    Jeannie @ GetMeToTheCountry


  6. It’s so lovely to see the little seedlings coming up so nicely! I hope all your seedlings come along well and you have another wonderfully productive garden, this year.


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