Saving Money–Week Ending Feb. 28


I found some zucchini in the freezer, marked ‘9.  I don’t know if it was really that old, or if I was lazy when I froze it, but it was perfectly fine.  I made a batch of brownies from an old mix I had in the pantry and stirred the drained zucchini in.  They turned out good.

The single way we saved the most money this past week was the amount of help we got from friends and family with the sorting and moving.  If we had to hire the amount of help we got, it would have cost us hundreds of dollars.  We were able to move 2 huge loads over to my brother-in-law’s.  When my husband offered the one man, who is a relative stranger to us, gas money, he declined, but agreed to take an old wood splitter Rob did not need anymore.  It needs work, but the man seems delighted.  No one else wanted anything.

I found 8 small glass bowls in the attic.  Why were they there?  What was I ever thinking?  Who knows, but I was planning to buy some for the camper.  Even at the dollar store, they would have been $8.  I also found some glass casserole dishes in the basement that I have not used for a long time.  My mom and I cleaned them all up, and I will choose what will fit into the camper, and donate the rest.  I will need more glass/casserole dishes than I use when camping, since we plan to stay in the camper for a few weeks between houses.  I have many offers from friends and family to come to their houses and cook casseroles, etc., if I want to and then just warm things up in the camper.  I may do some of that.  I also may have Rob barbecue everything outside, or give the kids sticks over the fire, when we are at a campground.  I do have a teeny, tiny oven in there and some burners, so I plan to cook a bit in there, as well.  There is a small microwave, and I prefer glass to warm things in.  I had some very old plastic bowls in there, but now I won’t.

We contacted a realtor, who was highly recommended by a friend.  We will have her out Tuesday to discuss things.  I hope that the immense amount of cleaning and sorting will meet with her satisfaction, but she will probably give us lots of tips to finish up the job.  I hope to get a higher price, obviously:)  We are wanting to get this on the market as soon as we can.  As Brandy, The Prudent Homemaker, pointed out–the sooner it sells, the sooner we can stop paying payments on it.  As the payments are very hefty, that’s what we were thinking, too.


Piles of trash were burned, saving garbage fees.  The red car in the background has been inoperable for quite some time.  Rob and my nephew, Steven, got it going, and Steven took it home on Saturday.  He has the parts, which Rob paid for, and will fix it for free.  The door has been smashed in on the side, and he thinks he will be able to get new doors as well.  One of the girls will probably end up with it for a first car when Steven gets it fixed up.

We sold a few more things on e-bay.  They were not costly, but one interesting one was a cut thunder-egg rock Rob found in the shop.  It sold for around $3, and the buyer paid shipping.  I think sometimes we take things for granted, because we have had them for a while.   I remember my mom had one on a little shelf and I always loved looking at it when I was a child.   Rob and his dad loved rock hunting, and so we do have more of them to enjoy.  I’m glad someone else can enjoy this rock.  He wasn’t sure when he put it up on e-bay if anyone would want it, so it was a nice surprise.

My aunt helped Patsy cover a pillow form I found, while sorting, with flannel for her camper bunk.  I already covered another one for Ja’Ana.  I hope to find another form and make one for Lovana, as well.  I think if they can prop up on their bunks, or have pillows for lounging on the floor while watching tv., they will feel more cozy.  I got some new sheets at Macy’s on a very good sale for the camper.  Ours have holes in them out there, and I am replacing them.

Rob went to get the camper back, but it needs one more thing done, so he came home empty-handed.  Hopefully, it will be done soon.  I’d really like this huge pile of things out of my bedroom.  They belong out there.  Almost all of the work is warranty work, but one thing we will be paying for, because we want it done.  It is less expensive to just leave it there until it’s done completely.  There was a seal that was leaking, and that would be tragic if we didn’t get it promptly fixed.  Water is not our friend in a camper, except in the faucet and bathtub:)  By catching it early, and them fixing it under warranty, we saved thousands of potential dollars worth of damage and repairs.  I’m so glad we are year-round campers and took it out over the Christmas break and found this problem before any significant damage was done.

We were able to clean the basement out and make a place to stack storage bins.  We saved at least $200 by not having to rent a storage unit for those things for another month, at least.  We are finding that storage units are costly.  We have never had to rent one before.  One place, that is less expensive ($189/month for the biggest unit), is full.  Another one is around $229 for a little less space.  Yikes!  That will add up quickly.  All the more reason to be thankful for the things we can store over at my brother-in-law’s.

We had a simple birthday dinner for my sister today.  We spent very little on the food and presents, but enjoyed the time together immensely.


My niece, Alissa, found some candles in the drawer, and lit them up for her mom.


Jake was watching eagerly because he wanted his mom to wish for little toy cars for him when she blew out her candles.  Silly boy!

8 thoughts on “Saving Money–Week Ending Feb. 28”

  1. I found this really interesting to read about. It reminded me of a move we made once. We sold our house. There was a lapse of 2 weeks between time we had to move out and the time to move into the house we bought. Everything went into storage except clothes and things we’d need for the next two weeks.

    We took our newborn, 2 year old, 4 year old, 10 year old, my husband and me to a motel with the plan to stay a couple of weeks. When all was said and done, we stayed in a motel for 7 weeks! That included Thanksgiving and Christmas!

    It was hard, but we that were old enough to remember have some sweet memories.

    Be blessed and enjoy your camping!

    Here’s my post about my thrifty and frugal week.



    1. That must have been wild–with a newborn and all in a hotel room for 7 weeks! I am hoping that once the hectic job of getting this huge place ready to sell is over, I will be able to relax a bit and enjoy the break of no housework, etc., for the short time we will be in the camper. (And, it’d BETTER be a short time…..LOL)


  2. You know, I never thought of adding zucchini to a brownie mix. I have made zucchini brownies from scratch though. I like the idea of sneaking a bit of healthy veggies into my daughter’s treats. She, on the other hand, is not always so sure about it.

    It sounds like you are progressing very quickly with getting your house ready to sell. It may be lots of work, but you are doing a great job, Becky! I hope this all pays off really well for you and your family.


    1. Thanks, Rhonda.
      We started in cleaning frantically at 6 this morning, because a realtor was coming at 11. She approved of several of the rooms. We have several left to do, including lots more work in the girls’ rooms:) She will get us an idea of what it’s worth by tomorrow. I’m so tired, so plan to sit for a while and rest before plunging in again. We are thinking of listing it on the 17th, so it’s a couple more weeks of killing ourselves, then, hopefully, a calm before the storm of actually moving. (We are thinking positively about it selling quickly). We have a few friends lined up to come help, so that’s good.


  3. When I moved from my house, I discovered a company called Pods. They delivered a storage container to my house ( i had the choice of two sizes, 13 foot and 16 foot with 9 foot ceiling height) which I loaded. They then came to pickup the loaded container and store it in their warehouse. After I had moved, I arranged for them to deliver the container at my new apartment. It was much cheaper then a traditional storage locker. I think UHaul has the same kind of service. Anyway, thought I’d write about it in case you could find something similar. Found your blog through Brandy/Prudent Homemaker. SJ in Vancouver BC


    1. Thanks. We have done some checking into things like that. I’m still not sure what we are going to do. I LOVE the idea of not having to load and unload a storage locker! What we found was not inexpensive, though, so maybe we need to keep looking at different companies. Thanks for the suggestion. I’m loving all the ideas I’m getting from everybody, and have used quite a few of them.


      1. I forgot to mention yesterday. By using the PODs, I didn’t have to rent a truck either for the move-out or to move my stuff to the new place. The Pod container was delivered and picked up when I needed it. So in a way, it saved me some money. I’m not related to the company at all. I just found it to be a great service. Glad this could be helpful.

        I find moving to be both very expensive and very stressful. You’ll get through it. Sounds like you have some great friends and family who are helping out. I could also relate to being the one on the receiving end. Until I went through my divorce, I was the one who mainly helped others. Going through the divorce really made me have to depend on my friends and family like no other time in my life. I’m glad it’s over now, but it was a good lesson for me to learn.


        1. Yes, we are very stressed out over this. We are working SO hard. The good news is that, in the end, we feel it will be less stressful to have our expenses lowered so much.

          We have had our situation compared to a divorce several times. Because our entire family was so involved with his job, it’s like we all got divorced at the same time. So, it’s been hard for all of us. But, we are surviving, and will get through things, we know. We are very blessed to have so much support at this time from so many friends and family. Actually, they are blowing us away with love and concern, and it means the world to us at this hard time.


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