Saving Money and Weekly Update–November 19, 2017


Ja’Ana, Alissa and I went to see Danait’s school program.  After singing a few songs, including one about a tree, and one about ABC’s, she “read” a book she had colored for the girls.  This was a very quick visit, much shorter than usual, because both Alissa and I had to go to work.  We loved the program–the kids were so cute, and we had snacks the kids had worked on preparing.  When we were preparing to leave, after dropping them off at their home, our last glance at Danait showed her pouting big-time, yelling to the girls, “YOU STAY!!!  YOU STAY!!!”  How gratifying for the girls to know they are loved so much by one certain little 3-year-old girl:)

I did some grocery shopping.  When Rob and I picked up some Christmas gifts at Fred Meyers, the total came above the $50 mark, so we grabbed a 49c/lb turkey for later in the year.  Then, when I did my shopping at Safeway (including my 2-$1.99 butters), I got a 39c/lb turkey.  I chose a small one, since they are easy to handle in the summer.  I had loaded a $2/off a turkey coupon on my Safeway card, but figured they wouldn’t use it for such an inexpensive turkey, but they did, and I ended up paying under $3 for that turkey.  Good grief.  I couldn’t turn that one down.  While Rob and I were out and about the night before, I had also ran into Safeway and picked up my 2–4 lb sacks of sugar for 99c each.  Today, the deal is frozen pie, and I will skip that one, as I don’t need any of those.  I also got a free 2-litre bottle of Dr. Pepper when I bought the turkey.

Patsy made some sugar cookies with a new recipe.  They turned out very tasty, using gluten-free Bob’s Red Mill 1-1 flour.

I cleaned for several hours.  I did some organizing, and found all the tablecloths I need for Thursday.  In fact, the table in the garage is all ready for the big day, except decorations, and they are in a pile on top of it.  We will serve buffet-style, so I will set that up the night before or the morning of Thanksgiving.   I feel very prepared for Thanksgiving, and plan to do a little towards it each day, but mostly play with the kids and have a couple of conferences, etc. this coming week.

So, another week of normal has passed in my life.  Sometimes those are the best weeks to me.

13 thoughts on “Saving Money and Weekly Update–November 19, 2017”

  1. That was a great deal on that turkey! Hubby can pick up a small free one tonight from his employer but I do not have anywhere to put it so we are passing it on to some who are in need this year. Three year olds are my favorite age. They are so sweet and not afraid to show it.

    We have hauled home a lot more grocery deals. The competition is really benefiting us here. Three crazy prices stand out and that was eggs for 21 cents a dozen, butter for 1.92 and 8 oz packages of colby jack sliced cheese for 62 cents each. Lidl often sells out of their deals but we are learning when we need to get there. Last week we got premium OJ in 59 oz bottles for 1.31 there but missed all the rest of the giveaway prices. Green beans hit our buy price so we got busy and canned 31 jars on Wednesday. We had a wonderful day of working together on that. I was also able to restock our salsa verde which we love in recipes for .39 a jar with sale and coupons. I won a coupon for a free ice cream cake and we picked that up to celebrate our grandson’s birthday while has is here for Thanksgiving. Saving 24.99. Also got a free strawberry cream cheese and a free box of pancake mix with digital store coupons. Come January I will only need perishable foods.


    1. Good grief! I’m in awe of those prices. 21c eggs? Wow! We don’t have THAT much competition around here, but I’m delighted for you. Ice cream cake—yum!!

      I used to give away my super cheap turkeys each year, as well, to the church’s food basket program. I figure I can always find someone to use one of these, if I find I end up with too many, even though we are not in that church anymore.


  2. Becky, you got some excellent deals on those turkeys! Sounds like you are quite prepared for Thursday’s big meal. Good planning on your part! Hope the rest of the week goes well for you.


    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, too.

      My main computer crashed and burned today, and is presently residing at the Apple Store, and we are waiting to see if it’s worth fixing…..Yikes!!! So, my blogging may be a bit off for a few days:)


  3. Good job on the turkeys!

    My laptop computer crashed also after I spilled a cup of coffee on the keyboard. I can’t type either because the keys are all in the wrong place. It takes forever to do anything. Joshua brought me his old one because I do not want a new one especially since I will not stop drinking and typing.

    I look forward to hearing how your Thanksgiving went. My house is finally quiet tonight. The only sound is when each one calls to say they have finally reached their destination safely. Then I can stop praying.

    Jeannie @ GetMeToTheCountry


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